February 24, 2016


If you’ve ever been overwhelmed at the cheese counter at Marché (mar-SHAY: French for market) by the myriad of foreign names, you just may be missing out on some of our formaggi preferiti (fro-MAHJ-ee pref-ahr-EE-tee: Italian for favorite cheeses). Here’s a rudimentary guide to pronouncing those tongue-twisting treasures. AFFIDÉLICE: aw-fah-day-LEASE. (Chablis-washed little bundle of funk.) BLEU D’AUVERGNE: bluh-doe-VAIRN. (A worthy, classic blue […]
January 27, 2016

We’ve got the Blues… in a Good Way

So what’s our favorite blue right now?  It depends on which cheesemonger at Marché you ask. Maureen:  Roquefort is a raw blue sheep cheese from Southern France and the second most popular cheese in France behind Comté.  The overall flavor sensation begins slightly mild, evolves to sweet, then smoky, and fades to a salty finish. Why my favorite?  Because it is […]
January 13, 2016

Marché’s Cure For the Winter Blahs

1.  Grab a comforter. 2.  Prepare your favorite movie for streaming. 3.  Set out some aged cheddar and toasted nuts. 4.  Gently warm some Journeyman’s Apple Cider Liqueur. Sip slowly. 5.  Start movie. 6.  Repeat Step 4 as needed.   From artisan distiller Journeyman, in Three Oaks, MI comes our perfect answer for winter doldrums. Made with organic Michigan apple […]
November 23, 2015

This Cheese Stands Alone… by Daniel Sirko

When people learn I’m a cheesemonger, a question that often pops up is “So what’s your deserted island cheese?” You know, the only one you could have every day for the rest of your life. That’s easy – a well-aged Gruyère – as superb for eating as it is for cooking. But someone just asked, “What’s your death row cheese?” A little grim, […]